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to words


What is the purpose of the Bin of Thoughts?
The Bin of Thoughts is a culmination of various texts and links designed to provide a point of view or a vibe for all to see and feel. Through text selection and visual presentation, it is the goal of the Bin of Thoughts to provide a unique experience for the reader. Only genuine inspiration is taken into account when selecting composition. In other words, there is no set genre or category for this site, and it is not our purpose to have one. Originality, free thought, intellect; these are all ideals that are promoted through this page. It is also, however, our purpose to challenge ones perceived values in an attempt to create free thought. By creating discussion or thought on a subject or idea is the overall goal. 
What is this site's funky resolution?
Resolution for a website designer is a pain in the ass. Everybody is cruising around the www with unique monitors with all sorts of resolution. The trick is to try to guess what most of your visitors have as a resolution, and try to make the page fit that. So, the official line is: The Bin of Thoughts was designed for 1152 x 864 16bit high color resolution (what I use on my computer). However, because many people use 800 x 600, I have formatted the width attributes to fit within these parameters. Users with a resolution of 800 x 600 should be able to view the Bin with no problem. If a problem does arise, however, I would certainly like to be notified of this, so that the design flaw can be rectified.
How is this site organized?
The site is based on a central page, or contents, so as to enable smooth surfing from one section to another. The basic sections include: Discussion, Links, Webrings, and Writings. These are all areas that are updated on a regular basis, and are considered the areas of interest. From each section one will find either collections of guest columns, editorials, internet links, webrings, or writings archives. To find out what has been recently added to the site, be sure to read the news section.
How often are discussion topics placed and how are they composed?
Discussion topics are periodically updated, but are on no set schedule. They are based on things that are either in the news or are of some sort of personal thought. They are meant as a viewpoint or opinion of the writer, and are in no way supposed to be an answer or a correct view. The purpose is to show how one person honestly views the world. In life people hide who they really are, for as one has said, "If people really got to know me they probably would not like me." This is to get around that. By using this medium, social concerns and reservations don't carry enough weight to effect anyone. The original concept was to put honest thoughts up and see where it goes from there.
Tell me, how is the Writings section constructed?
In general, the writings section is a liberal compilation of classical and original writings meant to convey certain thoughts or emotions. There is no set list of 'qualifications', so we therefore encourage reader submissions. The texts may range from short poems all the way to multi-chapter essays or novels. It is only important to be sure that the text has some meaning beyond the mundane everyday garbage that we must all wade through. 'No escapist texts!'  There need be no great thesis, only great thoughts.
What about copyright laws and how do they apply to the Bin of Thoughts?
This is a very important topic here at the Bin of Thoughts. All of the graphics on this page are original and are under the protection of American copyright laws. It is against the law to download any image and store it on another hard disk or web page. The same laws and regulations apply to the original writings and columns. They are the property of the Bin of Thoughts and it's creator, and cannot be copied or transmitted in any form without permission. The writings in the writing collection that are not original are in the public domain and do not violate any copyright laws. If anyone has any further questions, please refer to Grey Day, Web Prestige, or Look But Don't Steal.


  | The Bin of Thoughts and it's original text/graphics are © 1999, 2000 Aaron Wesley. All rights reserved. | |